Looking for an agent? Call or email us!
1-800-567-6095 | service@attraction.com
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Fill out the Become a Distributor form and we will respond as soon as possible.
Leslie Ashby
Strategic Sales & Marketing
416-587-2498 | leslie@yourpromorep.com
Annick Laroche
Pro-Dev, Stratégies & Marketing
Province of Quebec: Montreal, Montreal South Shore and Eastern Townships
514-971-9000 | annick@pro-dev.ca
Benoit Pichette
Pro-Dev, Stratégies & Marketing
Ontario : Ottawa
Province of Quebec: Laval, Montreal North Shore, Eastern Quebec, Mauricie & Abitibi regions
514-910-4007 | benoit@pro-dev.ca
Scott McOuat & Wendy McOuat
McOuat Agencies
Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Thunderbay area
Scott : 204-663-3738 | scott@mcouatagencies.com
Wendy : 204-663-3738 | wendy@mcouatagencies.com
Donna Klaassen
Ventura Sales & Marketing Inc.
British Columbia
779-593-6690 | c. 604-788-5722 | donna@venturasales.com
Lil Heming
Vitasport Ltd.
Alberta, Yukon, Northwest Territories
403-640-0444 | lilheming@nucleus.com
John Gillard
LJ Consulting
Atlantic & Newfoundland
902-527-8603 | ljconsultingcanada@gmail.com
Or feel free to communicate
with our customer service
1-800-567-6095 | service@attraction.com